2018 Heirloom Plant Sale

Greenhouse-grown heirloom plants will be ready to be transplanted into YOUR garden! Vegetables, herbs, fruits, and flowers will be for sale to the public. Come to the farm on Saturday, May 5 between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Rain or shine!

Horn Farm Center Heirloom Plant Sale will be held Saturday, May 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education. More than 10,000 plants in over 300 varieties of vegetables, herbs, and flowers will be available. Most plants are priced at $3.00.

Heirloom varieties are cultivars preserved by gardeners and farmers who hand-select seed for a special trait displayed in the parent plant. Heirlooms were commonly grown during earlier periods in human history, but are rarely used in modern, large-scale agriculture. 

Many heirloom vegetables keep their traits through open pollination, which means they're pollinated by insects or wind rather than human intervention. Heirloom plants provide a wider variety, better flavor, and greater genetic diversity. Heirlooms put seed sovereignty back in the hands of growers - save your seeds and replant year after year! Some hybrid varieties will also be available. 

All plants grow from non-GMO, non-treated seed using organic methods. Plants are grown by Horn Farm Center Incubator Farm Project and Farm Internship Program participants. 
Come early for the best selection! 
Plant Sale Variety List (subject to change)


May 5th, 2018 from  9:00 AM to  3:00 PM