Planting, harvesting, weeding, mulching are always needed on the farm, and many hands make light work! Join us for any or all of the two hours. Depending on the week, we may have projects with which children could help. If you plan to bring a child younger than 12, please contact Andrew in advance, at, to make sure we will be able to provide a positive experience for you and your child(ren). Thanks!
The event is free, but pre-registration is requested so that we know to expect you.
[A note on Covid-19 procedures:
As York County has moved into the Green Phase, we are returning to in-person classes with some modifications to keep them as safe as possible. Classes will be held outside and are limited to 10 participants per class. If more than one class occurs on the same day, start times will be staggered to reduce the number of individuals arriving at the same time. Multiple hand sanitizer stations are available. We will adjust as needed as time passes and things change. Participant expectations are as follows:
Participants are required to bring a mask and wear when proper physical distancing cannot be maintained.
Except in case of family members, physical distancing of 6 feet must be maintained.
Do not attend if sick or recovering.]
York, PA 17406
United States