Soil Microbes 101

 Registration is closed for this event
Ever seen a nematode? A protozoan? Observe these creepy crawlies in action while learning about their role in nurturing healthy soils!


Fall is here: 

Prime time for gardeners to gather new knowledge and plan proactively for a high-yielding Spring and Summer. As many gardeners know, healthy soil is the key to healthy plants--but what about the roles that microbes play in fostering healthy soil? How can we support them through our gardening practices? This October, whether you're putting your garden to bed, planting cover crops, or aspiring to work on the land in the coming years, join us for a deep dive (literally!) into the living soils that nourish what we eat.


In Soil Microbes 101, we will explore soil from the perspective of a soil biologist, learning about the significant roles microbes play in unlocking soil nutrients and making them available for plant absorption. Participants will view living microbes through the microscope, becoming familiar with the four functional groups (bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa) and what they contribute to our soils. This class will also provide a comprehensive overview of soil science, covering soil succession, compaction, erosion, disease, weed and pest suppression, carbon sequestration, beneficial water retention, and more. 


With Halloween just around the corner, you are invited to come in costume (bonus points for soil microbes!). We hope you'll join us in getting acquainted with the creepy crawly critters that call our gardens home! 


About the Instructor: 

Suzanne L. Shea, Soil Food Web Lab-Tech

Suzanne Shea helped her 5 siblings with the chores on her parent's 366 acre dairy farm. She and her military husband later bought their own farm on which to raise their 8 children. After her husband's retirement and the last child's graduation it was finally Suzanne's turn to dig into her lifetime quest - to learn how to make the soil better. She graduated with a 4.0 and at 57 started her own lab and loves to talk about soil mirobes with anyone willing to listen. She is a Soil Food Web Lab Technician who studied under Dr. Elaine Ingham.

Health and Safety

The Horn Farm Center is offering on-site educational programming with some modifications due to COVID-19. Multiple hand sanitizer stations are available. We will adjust as needed as time passes and things change.

In order to ensure the health and safety of our visitors, volunteers and staff, the Horn Farm Center if following current CDC Guidelines. Please contact us at for questions or concerns.

*All programs are subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances including inclement weather. Participants will receive an email and phone call if there are any program changes or cancellations.  

*Parking for classes at the Horn Farm is along the field above the farmhouse. 

October 29th, 2022 from  2:00 PM to  4:00 PM
35 Walnut Springs Road
York, PA 17406
United States
Event Fee(s)
Soil Microbes 101 $25.00