Horn Farm Happenings – January 19

CSA Sharezinnias
Early bird registration discounts end January 31 for our Vegetable CSA and Betsy’s Flower CSA. Sign up today for your weekly or biweekly share of vegetables or cut flowers!
Andrew Horn Field ManagerNot sure what a CSA is? Our Field Manager, Andrew Horn, explains:

Anyone who isn’t exactly sure what “CSA” means, Allow me to explain the best I can…CSA = Community Supported Agriculture. A CSA program is more than just exchanging $$$ for produce. When you purchase a “share” you are making an investment in what you believe to be a worthy organization.
The small scale, local farmers benefit from the income the CSA generates early in the season and are able to plan accordingly and adhere to the budget more effectively.
Of course, a planting/harvest plan must be flexible due to the unpredictability of weather, pests (insects/animals), and unexpected (but almost guaranteed) crop loss. There are, however, situations where certain crops flourish and provide more than expected. Shares are then adjusted accordingly. With a share purchased at the Horn Farm you are guaranteed a weekly share that has a $25-$30 value. (Sometimes more if you take advantage of the 2nds and extras!)
A relationship is then built based on your invested interest and the farms commitment to provide fresh, nutritious, chemical free produce. We send a weekly “What’s in your CSA” newsletter to inform members what delicious veggies they can expect and often times recipes or methods of preparation/preservation. As the Field Manager, I will be present on as many pickup days throughout the season as possible. Happy to answer any questions that folks may have.

Also in 2018, we welcome a new farmer to the farm business incubator!

Betsy's Flower FarmBetsy Dorbian wanted to switch careers and decided to participate in our Farming Internship. Betsy learned enough to launch her own farm business! This year Betsy is offering a weekly or biweekly share of cut flowers delivered to multiple pick up locations. Get more information or sign up here.

Thank you to New Belgium Brewing for selecting our project Being Ecologically and Economically Responsible – Integrated Perennial Agriculture to receive $3500 in funding for Water Conservation and Restoration. This money goes toward our Woodland Restoration Project which involves restoring a six-acre woodland and stream corridor next to the fields used for our Farm Internship and Incubator Farm Project. This strategic integration of farm fields with wildlife habitat will yield improvements in soil health, water retention, water quality, biodiversity, biohabitat, as well as additional crops such as nuts, berries, mushrooms, and medicinals. We’re looking out for people, planet, and profit! You can be part of this, too, by volunteering your time and/or sending us some dollars! https://hornfarmcenter.org/donate Thanks!

Upcoming events:

January 23: Bread Baking Basics (rescheduled)
January 27: Introduction to Permaculture (waitlist)
February 20: Bread Baking 201
March 24: Bread Baking Full Day Workshop
2018 Foraging Intensive
Wild Lands Immersion – Primitive Skills

See you at the Farm!