This week, Executive Director Alyson Earl returned from a 9-day permaculture design course. This immersion in hands-on ecological design work left her ready to shepherd the existing Land Use Management Plan for the Horn Farm to the next level. While in Vermont, it rained every day–over 6 inches in one week. This allowed for lots of practice designing earthworks for directing the movement of water across a landscape!
On the final day of the course, the group looked far into the future and planted oak trees in an area of the forest that is being restored to include plant species which were lost during previous clear cuttings of Vermont’s forests. Planting trees now is a gift to future generations.
Much of the work we do is focused on the future. By restoring habitats, we also affect the quality of our water, air, and soils. This spring we began regular volunteer work days in a degraded woodland adjacent to our farm fields–building trails and removing overly abundant plant material. We will be posting more opportunities for being part of our woodland restoration next week.
This October, we are pleased and proud to be hosting:
Edible Ecosystems Emerging:
Food Forestry for the 21st Century
A 9-Day Forest Garden Design Intensive
We hope you can join us!
Coming up on the farm:
Cooking Eggplant
Preserving Herbs
And every Saturday from 9 to 12, the Farm Stand is open!
See you at the Farm!