Horn Farm Happenings – November 24, 2021

Training for a Regenerative Future

We believe in the power of education. By demonstrating and teaching holistic land management practices, we are building a community of skilled land stewards.

This year, we launched our signature Land Steward Training program, equipping eleven new land stewards with applicable skills to restore broken ecosystems, rebuild lost wildlife habitat, and reverse climate change.

Next year, we are expanding our training programs by increasing our enrollment capacity and adding a new learning module. Taught by Elyse Jurgen of Waxwing EcoWorks, the new Ecological Gardener Training program will compliment the Land Steward Training program and focuses on rebuilding biodiversity and other ecosystem services in human spaces.

Both programs are immersive learning experiences focused on deep ecological literacy and practical skill-building. Participants will gain a deep understanding of regenerative practices and land stewardship.

We are also proud to host our 7th Beekeeper Training program at the Horn Farm Center. Taught by beekeeper, Mark Gingrich of Gingrich Apiaries, participants will learn all aspects of caring for honey bees.

Are you ready to train for a regenerative future at the Horn Farm Center? Apply for one of our training programs today! Applications are now being accepted for our 2022 Training programs. 

Click here to learn more and apply!

Thanks For Giving on Giving Tuesday

Tuesday, November 30th is Giving Tuesday – the largest global giving day of the year! If you haven’t already, consider please supporting the Horn Farm Center. Now through the end of the year, your contributions will help us respond to our needs related to the farmhouse fire and support us as we continue to carry out our mission.

Many of you have responded to our calls for help and have already provided financial support. We are grateful for your commitment to our work. If you are unable to increase your donation at this time, please consider asking your friends and family to become champions of our mission.

Fire Recovery Update

Over the past two weeks, we have been working diligently, racing against the impending winter weather and working as quickly as possible to set up our temporary office space. With the help of a few friends, we are continuing to make repairs to the interior and exterior of the job trailer.

Emergency work has begun to secure the farmhouse building for the winter months. Restoration crews have started on a temporary roof, which will keep water and snowfall from permeating the structure. Further mitigation will take place in the coming weeks and months as HFC board and staff begin the process of envisioning and planning for the future of the farmhouse.

In addition to working hard to stabilize our operations, we are wrapping up the 2021 season and putting together an ambitious calendar of programs for next year. This week, our team will be taking a much-needed break to connect with friends and family.

We thank all of you for your patience and support as we navigate our new reality together. A big thanks to those of you who have offered your time, expertise, donations, and financial support. We couldn’t do this without you!

Counting Our Blessings & Giving Thanks

Even the midst of our challenges, we are feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude. We have heard from so many friends, supporters, and community partners, who truly value our mission. Thanks to our community, we are discovering sweetness and warmth alongside our struggles. Thank you to those of you who are committed to making a difference. We are also endlessly grateful to the seventeen first responders, who courageously responded to the farmhouse fire at the Horn Farm Center on October 25th. We can’t thank you enough for your bravery and service.

In this season of thanks, we are truly counting our blessings. Thank you!

Click here to donate now!