Tonight’s turn of events is truly a test of our resilience. While we are devastated, we are incredibly thankful for the outpouring of support, prayers, and well wishes from our community. We are also endlessly grateful to the dozens of local fire companies, who worked through the night to get fire under control. A special thanks to Hellam Fire Company, who led the efforts.
In the coming days we will be taking stock and determining our next steps. What we do know now is that the third and second floor of the historic farmhouse building (our office building) have been destroyed. Fortunately, we were able to salvage our most important files, paperwork, archives, framed photos and maps, and a number of office equipment, computers, and items from the first floor. No one was on site or injured during the event.
We have had some requests about how to support the Horn Farm at this time. Most immediately, we are able to accept donations via our website: or patreon: We will likely need other support in the form of volunteering, supplies, and professional services. We will share more and keep everyone up to date as our needs and path forward become more clear.
We believe that our power and our resilience lies in our relationships. We have a long road ahead of us, but we know the future is bright. In my short time leading the farm, I have seen so many of you offer your passion, talent, and sweat, blood, and tears to this organization, because you all truly believe in the work we do. I am absolutely certain that together we will persevere. Let the ashes of this tragedy be fertile soil for our future growth and community.
– Alexis Campbell, HFC Executive Director
For direct inquiries, please contact On behalf of the Horn Farm Center Board and staff we thank you for your support and patience.
If you plan to drive past the farm, we ask that you please do not approach the farmhouse building in the interest of public safety.
UPDATED: Horn Farm Center Health and Safety Policy
The Horn Farm Center is offering on-site educational programming with some modifications due to COVID-19. Multiple hand sanitizer stations are available. We will adjust as needed as time passes and things change.
In order to ensure the health and safety of our visitors, volunteers and staff, participant expectations are as follows:
- Outdoors – Participants are required to bring a mask and wear it when physical distancing cannot be maintained. We have a limited supply on hand if you forget yours.
- Indoors – Participants are required to wear masks indoors.
- Do not attend if sick or recovering.