We believe that our power and our resilience lies in our relationships. In 2022, the Horn Farm Center has grown regeneratively because of our community.
We thank the following organizations, businesses, and individuals for supporting our work and mission.
2022 Individual Contributions
Stephanie Adams
Anthony Amadio
Emily Arnold
Shirley Axe
Devin Babcock
Peggy Bair
Metta Barbour
Michael Barlett
Peggy Baum
Ken Beam
Richard Bell
Cheryl Bentz
John Bezanis
Judith Blakey
Myerlin Bloom
John Boecker
Wanda Boone
Kathie Boop
Sara Boutin
Virginia Bova
Dave Bradley
Jack & Tammy Bray
Kathleen Brickner
Joe Brillhart
Jennie Bromley
Dave Brown
Lettice Brown
Joyce Burkholder
Randy Byrnes
Sarah Cahill
Julie Caldwell
Alexis Campbell
Vlacia Campbell
Andrea Campbell
Lynn Caplan
Susan L Carmalt
Danille Carroll
Glenn Cashel
Ann Chadwell
Ben Chadwell
Sarah Chain
Alexandra Chiaruttini
Kathleen Clark
Nicole Clark
Averie Clark
Allen Clements
Roy Clevenstine
Wendy Colby
Carl Colombo
Marcelino Colon
Jane Conover
Richard Cooper
Christopher Coulson
Robert Coville
George Cramer
Susan Craver
Naomi Crimm
Hayley Croom
Jacquelynn Danek
Erin Darby
Jonathan Darby
Ann Davis
Scott Dedman
Francie Delaney
Reita Derrick
Elizabeth Diem
David Dietz
Leo DiSanto
Robert Doren
Kim Downs
Tom Druck
Cindy Dunn
Karen Edmonds
Lynne Eitel
Rami Enbashi
Brian Engelhardt
Brianna Ensor
Amy Evans
Carolyn Fetrow
Sharon Fisher
Beth Fives
Zachary Flaharty
David Freiberg
Jennifer Frey
Bernard Frey
Savannah Fry
Kathy Gable
Denise Gaebel
Erin Gattuso
George Gayman
Colleen Gaynor
Ellen Gibb
Abby Gibb
Donita Gilleland
Jerry Gingerich
Aaron Gingrich
Kristin Gladfelter
Andy Gotwols
Taylor Green
Amy Gunarich
Pauline Habegger
Robert Hale
Jim hamrick
Jill Hardina
Nathan Hardman
Shara Hartman
Patricia Haverstick
Lauren Hayman
Avery Heidler
Drew Heistand
Jan Herrold
Luanne Hershey
Alex Hevesy
Stephanie Himes
Kendra Hoffman
Kim Hogeman
Dwight Honecker
Thomas Horn
Steven Horning
Matthew Horst
Raymond Hovis
Lynne Huddleston
Anika Hudson
Kandace Huggins
Amanda Humbert
Margaret Hymer
Steve Izzo
Laura Jameson
Rachael Jasitt
Leigh Jergensen
Colleen Jones
Heiserman Joyce
Kimerly Kauffman
John Keecee
Tom Keiter
Cynthia Kelbaugh
Julie Kemper
Sean Kenny
Shana King
Amanda King
Tim Klenske
Amy Kline
John Klinedinst
Alex Kolyada
Harriet Komisar
Abigale Koontz
Susan Kostalas
Anne Kostas
K Kunkel
Danette Laucks
Leonard Leiphart
Vickie Leiphart
Calyx Liddick
Joseph Ligo
Karen Lillie
Pat Long
Andrew Loy
Leticia Lyford
Joe Malda
Victoria Masek
Henry Maul
Heather Mavros
Corey McCarthy
Robbi McClane
Douglas McCracken
Brittany McCreary
Patty McGuire
Mark & Michele McKinney
Chris McLaughlin
Trisha Melikian
Kendall Menzer
Carla Metz
Ann Metzler
Jennifer Miller
Julia Montgomery
Timothy Moore
Pamela Moore
Linda Morningstar
Andrew Morrison
Schuyler Mu
Kim Mudge
Judith Mueller
Charles Muller
Faith Murray
Kathy Musti
Elizabeth Naylor
Travis Neely
Dan and Brenda Neff
Emily Neideigh
Casey Nixon
Elizabeth Norman
Ellie Nowak
Jennifer Oswald
Gerald Otterbein
Alfred Owens
Lisa Paulos
Vi Phan
Kimberly Piper
Cheryl Piperberg
Cindy Pizziketti
Mark Platts
Frances Polk
Spencer Prematta
Brian Price
Carol Pritchett
Ben Proud
Robert Pullo
Denise Rau
Tiffany Raybin
Martin Reed
Vicki Reed
Kirsten Reinford
Michael Rhodes
Pete Richards
Jane Riese
Rebecca Roberts
Jennifer Robinson
Jeff Rohrbaugh
Walter Rohrbaugh
Angel Rosales
Rainbow Ross
Sefe Rush
John Sanstead
Liam Sauder
Allison Scholz
Deborah Schoonover
Kevin Schreiber
Leanne Schweitzer
Bob Searer
Matthew Sechrist
Charlene Senglaub
Melanie Serrano
Meghan Shaffer
Jillian Shambaugh
Suzanne Shea
Marcus Sheffer
JJ Sheffer
Lynne Shelton
Norma Shermeyer
Joseph Shoemaker
Erin Shrader
Brenda Sieglitz
Kevin Smith
Tracey Smith
Alan Snook
Chris Snyder
Sue Snyder
Angela Spickler
Andrew Sterner
Keith Stine
Heidi Storey
John Strine
Patricia Stump
Erin Sussman
Susan Swartz
Denise Swengel
Michael Taylor
Cindy Terlazzo
Edouardo Thibault
Catherine Tipper
Todd Trimmer
Robbyn Upham
John Vanco
Debbie Vandover
Donna Volles
Thomas Vranich
Jamie Vranich
Lainey Wade
Chuck Waterfield
Lori Webster
Philip Wenger
Michael & Julie Wheeler
Jamie Williams
Ed Wilson
Barbara Wilson
Deborah Wilson
Doug Wilson
Abbie Wissmann
Coni Wolf
Elizabeth Wolf
Lucy Wood
Glenn Young
Christi Zelis
Erica Zell
Diane Zerbe
Kinley Zook
York Monthly Meeting Religious Society Friends
2022 Business, Organization & Foundation Support
Berks County Community Foundation’s MetEd Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund
Brown’s Orchard & Farm Markets
C. S. Davidson Inc
C. S. Davidson Inc
Calyx Native Nursery
DCNR PennVest
Eastern York School District
Emmanuel United Church of Christ
Emmanuel United Church of Christ
Energy Opportunities
Fidelity Charitable Donor-Advised Fund
FirstEnergy Foundation
Gardener of the Owl Valley
Hallam Borough
Hayman Studio
Hometown History
J. William Warehime Foundation
John Wright Restaurant
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful
Ken’s Gardens
Kwee-Jack Fish Co. LLC.
Lancaster Conservancy
Lebanon Seaboard Corporation
Locally Seasoned
Mid-Atlantic Media Hub
Miller Plant Farm
Miller Plant Farm
Natural Awakenings of Lancaster/Berks and South Central
Octoraro Native Plant Nursery Inc.
Richards Energy Group Inc
Rivertownes PA USA Inc
Rotary Club of York ‘s Preserve Planet Earth Committee
Rotary Club of York & The York Rotary Charitable Endowment Fund
Rutter’s Children’s Charities
Schneider Electric Foundation
Shank’s Mare Outfitters
Shipley Energy
Sonnewald Natural Foods
State Farm Companies Foundation
Stauffers of Kissel Hill
Susquehanna Sustainable Enterprises, LLC
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation
The Cycle Works, Wrightsville
The David Hogg Family Foundation
The Donald B. & Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
The Endangered Species Coalition
The GIANT Company
The Hershey Company
The Powder Mill Foundation
The Wenger Group Inc
United Way of York County
United Way of York County
Whelan Family Fund
Wrightsville Hope United Methodist Women
York County Community Foundation Funds, including the Sustainable Energy Fund
York County Economic Alliance & Community First Fund
York County Land Bank Authority
York County Solid Waste & Refuse Authority
York Traditions Bank
York Water Company
We took every precaution to get this list right, but sometimes, mistakes are made. Please drop us a note if your name is not quite right in our records at info@hornfarmcenter.org.