Horn Farm Happenings – April 21

Greetings from the Horn Farm! The season is well underway. thyme seedlings in the greenhouse

Both greenhouses are bursting with plants. We are growing plants for the Heirloom Plant Sale on May 6 as well as for the fields here at the farm. We will begin distributing shares to our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) members beginning at the end of May–weather permitting. We still have a few shares available–either a weekly or biweekly selection of fresh, nutrient dense produce grown here at the farm.

We are growing thousands of plants in many varieties. Basil, for instance, comes in so many variations of color and flavor. This week we potted up Large Italian Green, Genovese, Licorice, as well as this gorgeous Red Rubin basil.Red Rubin Basil

In addition to the work we’ve been doing in the fields and the greenhouses, we added more classes to the website and have organized them by category to make them easier to browse:

Cooking Classes
Ecological Design
Foraging Classes
Gardening & Farming
Wilderness Skills

Have you ever thought about insects as food?

Raising invertebrates for food and farming can be fun, entertaining and rewarding – and meet many different needs.
tobacco hornworm

On May 13, join William Padilla-Brown for discussion and demonstrations as he takes us on a journey through many different invertebrates – starting with two ancient aquatic invertebrates, Brine Shrimp and Triops.

Participants will get hands-on instruction in setting up small habitats to take home with choice of crickets, roaches, mealworms, and/or Red Wiggler Worms. The course will end with a demonstration on how to cook with edible insects and participants may choose to participate in Entomophagy (the eating of insects). Space is limited. Register for MicroHerding Invertebrates today!

Thank you for your support of the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education!