It’s back! This is your chance to purchase fresh, organically grown Horn Farm produce.
Welcome to our online farm stand! Place your order by THURSDAY each week for pick up at the farm on Saturday. (Orders placed after Thursday will be considered part of the following week’s orders). These orders must be paid via debit/credit card at the time of checkout.
You will find your order in our wooden corn barn (smaller of our two barns) for self-serve pickup on SATURDAY between 9 a.m. and 12 Noon.
Happy shopping and eating! Thanks for your support!
The development of the Horn Farm online farm stand was made possible through a grant from the York County Community Foundation’s Agricultural & Land Preservation Fund.
For every 1700 insect species, only one interferes with human activities. Most insects help us in our endeavors! How many of these insects can you identify?
Join us for our Insect Identification and Management class on Saturday, August 11. Learning to identify the common insects in your garden is an essential skill. Only then can you begin to recognize and support the beneficial insects that are making your job easier and mitigate and prevent the damage from their less helpful counterparts. We will cover the three major kinds of pest management, how to diagnose a pest problem, and recommended organic treatments. This workshop will be primarily classroom based and we’ll examine some live examples and do a field walk if possible. Register today!
Not a CSA member? There’s still time to join at a prorated rate. Our vegetable CSA is in full swing and crops are doing so well that we are able to offer a limited number of additional spaces for a mid-season sign-up. These shares will begin on July 28 (Saturday) or July 31 (Tuesday). We’ve prorated the cost to take into account the later start date. Get more information and sign up here: Horn Farm Mid-season CSA

Join us Tuesday, August 21 – 6 pm – 8:30 pm for our annual Seasonal Eat & Meet at John Wright restaurant.
Gather with your friends, family, and co-workers to meet and mingle with our farmers and producers who are passionate about supporting local farm businesses. Enjoy a delicious meal of seasonal local foods prepared by the chefs of John Wright Restaurant!
Proceeds will benefit the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education.
Get your tickets now! Seasonal Eat & Meet
CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Shares
Here is what we plan to include in this week’s CSA shares:
Beets (Chioggia or Red Ace)
Summer squash
Swiss chard
Sweet Peppers
Hot peppers
Upcoming events and volunteer opportunities:
July 21 – Monthly Farm Tour
July 23 – Tuesday Evening Farm Work Crew
July 26 – Preserving Herbs
July 31 – Tuesday Evening Farm Work Crew
July 31 – Knife Skills for the Home Cook
August 4 – First Saturday Volunteer Work Day
August 11 – Volunteer needed to represent the Horn Farm at the Rudy Park Open House
August 11 – Insect Identification and Management (new date!)
August 21 – Seasonal Eat & Meet
October 6, 7, 13, 14 – Bowmaking (new dates!)
See you at the farm!