Horn Farm Happenings – June 15

Did you know that one inch of rain falling on one acre of land is equal to about 27,154 gallons and weighs about 113 tons!?! The Horn Farm property is 186 acres which means that one inch of rain leads to 5,050,644 gallons of water. We’ve had just over 20 inches of rain in 2018, so that means that 101,012,880 gallons of rainwater either soaked into the soil or left the farm via the three streams on the property. Most of the farm is covered with vegetation, so a fairly good proportion of that water has the opportunity to soak in.erosion and runoffThis photo was taken at a neighboring farm where the field above the grass is bare–without any living vegetative cover. As you can see, the water is carrying precious topsoil directly into the stream. This small stream is a tributary to Kreutz Creek which empties directly into the Susquehanna River at Wrightsville. Imagine what happens where the ground has been covered with buildings, parking lots, and roads. Where does that water go? It finds its way into streams and rivers sometimes getting filtered at a wastewater treatment plant, but often not.

At the Horn Farm, in our farm fields and the surrounding wooded areas, we are working to improve the landscape so that as much water as possible has an opportunity to soak into the soil and replenish the groundwater or be filtered naturally before entering streams. Perennial vegetation such as trees, shrubs, grass and other living ground cover helps slow runoff. These plants also provide places for beneficial insects to overwinter and for useful predators to build their dens and nests. By choosing plant species with edible fruits or nuts, we can obtain yields beyond ecological benefits. You don’t need 186 acres in order to implement these ideas where you live. Choose native, perennial plants for your yard: help the soil absorb rain, provide habitat for pollinators and other creatures, and harvest some nuts and berries for yourself! Contact us to find out more!

It’s almost here! Next Saturday, June 23, please join us for our fourth annual Cycle the Solstice fundraiser for the Horn Farm Center! Thank you to our sponsors: Lemon Street Market and Pennsylvania Truck Centers!! cycle the solstice riders en route

CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Shares
Here is what we plan to include in this week’s CSA shares:
Chinese cabbage (use as you would bok choy)
pattypan squash (use as you would zucchini)
green garlic (use as you would ‘regular’ cured garlic)
garlic scapes (use as you would ‘regular’ cured garlic)
Swiss chard
sugar snap peas
chocolate mint (try this in your drinking water!)
Not a CSA member? There’s still time to join. Click here for more information.

Upcoming events:
June 19 – Tuesday Evening Work Crew
June 23 – Cycle the Solstice
June 24 – Insect Identification
June 26 – Tuesday Evening Work Crew
June 30 – Monthly Foraging
July 14, 15, 28, 29 – Bowmaking
July 26 – Preserving Herbs
July 31 – Knife Skills for the Home Cook
August 21 – Seasonal Eat & Meet

See you at the farm!