We’ve entered the season of rest and repair. The irrigation hoses are rolled up and tucked away on shelves in the barn, the garlic is planted and mulched with a thick layer of straw, and the trees have shed their leaves and stored their energy in their roots. In the coming weeks we will finish cleaning the barns, replace the plastic roof of the greenhouse, and plant the last of the trees for this year. There’s still plenty to see, and there are two more opportunities to join us on the farm.
Our monthly class, The Living Landscape, takes place on Saturday, December 7. This ecological adventure walk through the woods and the meadows of the Horn Farm Center will spark your sense of wonder! We’ll focus on broad patterns of landscape as well as diving deeply into the details of the worlds under rocks, inside dead trees, beneath the soil, and beyond. This is an all-ages class. All are welcome!
On Saturday, December 14, we’ll be hunting for wild foods. Many of the summer and fall offerings have died back, but there is still plenty for the adventurous forager to add to the dinner table. Come see what we can find and utilize as the months proceed into winter! Find out more and register here: December Foraging.
Upcoming events:
December 7 – The Living Landscape
December 14 – Foraging: Winter Offerings
Custom Classes & Workshops
2020 Regenerative Farming Training Program
February 29 – Native Plants for Winter Interest and Wildlife
March 14 – Green Mulch: Native Plants as Groundcovers
March 28 – Stormwater Management 101 for Homeowners
See you at the farm!