Horn Farm Happenings – November 29, 2019

We are excited about the new classes and workshops we will be offering in 2020! New topics and new instructors will join all of your favorites. Here are three that we already have open for registration; we’ll be sharing more soon.

Design your garden with winter aesthetics and wildlife in mind! On February 29, join us for a workshop about using Native Plants for Winter Interest and Wildlife. Our home gardens are often designed for the warm growing season, overlooking the potential of a stunning winter garden with snow-capped seed heads and hints of green. In this workshop, participants will learn about 20 native plants that are best as a winter highlight in the home garden and get information on how these plants support nesting wild bees, overwintering butterflies, and songbirds throughout the cold winter months.

On March 14, we’ll be exploring how to use Native Plants as Groundcovers. In this interactive workshop, learn how to integrate native groundcovers into your perennial beds to reduce the time and energy spent removing unwanted plants. By mimicking natural landscapes in your home garden, it is possible to reduce the time and money it takes maintain a garden leaving more time to spend enjoying the garden you created! Participants will practice a hands-on plant layering technique that they can use for future planning of their home landscape.

On March 28, join us for Stormwater Management 101 for Homeowners. With increasing storm intensity, do you find that you have more water on your home property than you are able to currently manage? In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to calculate the rain runoff volume of impervious surfaces (roof, driveway, etc.) and how to best design their landscape to capture that stormwater to create a beautiful garden.

All three classes are being taught by Elyse Jurgen. Elyse is a certified Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional and Ecological/Permaculture Designer, holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Education, and participated in Cornell University’s Civic Ecology certification program. She studied ecological gardening at Mt. Cuba Center and has trained under Claudia West. Elyse works alongside homeowners in a participatory approach to their gardening for wildlife needs, infusing educational opportunities during the design, install, and management process. She invites homeowners to deeply engage with their land to maximize its potential in supporting dwindling bee, butterfly, and bird populations.

Upcoming events:

December 7 – The Living Landscape 
December 14 – Foraging: Winter Offerings
Custom Classes & Workshops
2020 Regenerative Farming Training Program
February 29 – Native Plants for Winter Interest and Wildlife
March 14 – Green Mulch: Native Plants as Groundcovers
March 28 – Stormwater Management 101 for Homeowners

See you at the farm!