As the summer winds down, we are thankful that we are able to continue offering educational programs at the Horn Farm Center. This past weekend we hosted two limited-size classes: The Living Landscape and Backyard Composting.

Horn Farm Center Woodland Steward, Wilson Alvarez exploring the Living Landscape with class participants
Held on the first Saturday of each month, the Living Landscape is a chance to explore Horn Farm Center’s diverse ecosystems. During last Saturday’s Living Landscape program, Woodlands Steward, Wilson Alvarez led a small group on an ecological adventure through the Horn Farm Center’s meadows and woodlands, taking time to discuss everything from tree identification to primitive skills.
We are offering a number of other opportunities this fall to reconnect with our natural systems on the farm. Join us for our upcoming Wild Lands Workshop Series, which includes five full-day, land-based learning experiences. Each workshop can be taken individually or as a series and focuses on reading the landscape and developing essential survival skills.

Field Manager, Andrew Horn sharing the basics of composting at last week’s Backyard Composting workshop
We are also very excited about our new Backyard Composting workshop, which we are offering in partnership with the York County Solid Waste Authority. Led by Field Manager, Andrew Horn, the workshop focuses on the basics of composting, providing the practical skills needed to begin producing compost at home. This hands-on workshop includes start-up supplies and plenty of time to ask as many questions as necessary. In addition to our previously scheduled workshop on Saturday, September 12, two more Backyard Composting workshops are now available on Tuesday evenings. Join us for Backyard Composting at the Horn Farm Center!
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, September 12: Backyard Composting
Saturday, September 12: Foraging for Wild Teas & Drinks
Tuesday, September 15: Tuesday Afternoon on the Farm (free! pre-registration requested)
Saturday, September 19: Wild Lands: Art of Seeing and Science of Observation (sold out!)
Tuesday, September 22: Tuesday Afternoon on the Farm (free! pre-registration requested)
Saturday, September 26: Wild Lands: Shelter Building and Finding Water
Tuesday, September 29: Tuesday Afternoon on the Farm (free! pre-registration requested)
Saturday, October 3: Wild Lands: Art of Fire by Friction
Saturday, October 10: Wild Lands: Foraging, Hunting, Trapping
Saturday, October 10: Foraging Wild Roots for Coffee and More
Tuesday, October 13: Backyard Composting
Saturday, October 17: WildLands: Advanced Primitive Hunting Techniques
Tuesday October 19: Backyard Composting
Saturday, November 7: The Living Landscape
Saturday, December 5: The Living Landscape
See you at the farm!
York County has moved into the green phase for dealing with COVID-19, so we are resuming some on farm classes with modifications. Classes will be held outside and are limited to 10 participants per class. If more than one class occurs on the same day, start times will be staggered to reduce the number of individuals arriving at the same time. Multiple hand sanitizer stations are available. We will adjust as needed as time passes and things change. Participants are required to bring a mask and wear when proper physical distancing cannot be maintained. Except for family members physical distancing of 6 feet must be maintained.